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Tuesday, May 20, 2008 

Has Internet Marketing Been Articled to Death?

If you take a look at any popular ezine and so a search on the terms Internet Marketing youll most likely pull up a huge list of articles. Scroll down through that list and take a look at the titles. You might notice something that sticks out like a sore thumb. There are literally hundreds of articles all about the exact same thing. So in this cheeky expos, lets write about what everyone else has written about!

Just about every topic concerned with internet marketing has been literally articled to death. How many times can people write about The Top Ten Ways to Make Money or How to Drive Traffic to Your Website or The Top Ten Ways to Make Money by Driving Traffic You get the idea.

There are probably a couple of dozen or so original articles that cover just about everything anyone will ever need to know about succeeding in the cut-throat and highly competitive world of internet marketing. The thousands of others are merely re-written and re-hashed clones of the originals.

This is detrimental and confusing to the reader. They are inundated with different takes on the same internet marketing article and end up reading the same information many times over. This can be off-putting especially to newcomers to the field. When they are searching for genuine information to help them start their own online business in internet marketing, they want that information in small digestible chunks. When faced with a deluge of similar articles all telling them the same thing, they could become overwhelmed by so much duplication.

Of course from the point of view of someone involved in internet marketing, as verbose as this practice may be, it is a necessary task to bear in order to secure precious one-way back-links to their websites to satisfy the page ranking criteria of the search engines.

From a writers point of view, this is a frustrating chore. It is becoming increasingly difficult to write a decent, informative and interesting piece on a topic that has already been done to death by a thousand other writers in their attempts to clamber up the search engine ladders. But try we must or our internet marketing competitors will steal that march on us and procure a more prominent perch in the search engine pages.

Its a great shame that the search engines, in their relentless quest to force website owners to provide good, quality content are actually creating the opposite effect by imposing a rule that says any website with more back-links must be better and more popular. In fact, more often than not the best written and potentially more popular websites languish in the nether regions on the lower pages. This is simply because they probably refused to obtain, by regurgitating the same old tired articles, those irritatingly difficult to procure one-way back-links!

So it appears that although every aspect of internet marketing has been written about ad infinitum, that particular dead horse will, by necessity continue to be flogged for some time to come.

Terry Didcott is a successful author, blogger and Internet Marketer who hosts several fascinating websites and blogs. At the site below, youll find an absolute ton of free tips, informational articles and links to some great resources in the internet marketing world. You can also download his free ebook: "Starting an Honest Online Business". Click on the link below to find out what all the fuss is about

The Honest Way

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