Saturday, July 5, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When you think about co-registration, don't think about it as buying "leads." That's a whole different ball game, and has nothing remotely to do with co-registration.

Co-registration is one really great tool for list building, and you should definitely be using it, if you're new to Internet marketing. Co-registration means that you're advertising your newsletter, ezine, special report, or other offer along with other businesses at the same time. Beside each of the offers on the co-reg page is a checkbox, so that people can decide which offers they're interested in subscribing to. Once they sign up via a co-reg form, they're asking to become subscribers to one or several lists at the same time. You'll pay co-registration because the co-reg service advertises for you and guarantees you a certain number of optins each month. It's definitely the fastest way to be list building when you have no list to start.

But there are two things you need to consider. First, do you want the checkbox filled in or left to the viewer's discretion? If you let the box be filled, you'll build your list faster, but the people may just be signing up because they were really interested in something else. If you leave the checkbox unchecked, and make the viewer decide that they want to be on your list, you'll probably have a much more responsive customer; however, this method of list building is much slower.

The other thing you need to consider is whether you want to use single or double optin for your leads. That means they will either get nothing to confirm or that they'll receive a confirmation message from your autoresponder that they'll have to respond to before they become part of your list. Single optin is undoubtedly a faster way to be list building, but double optin will help you to avoid spam complaints.

The quickest way to build a list is undoubtedly with single optin and the checkbox filled in. Is it the best way for you? You'll have to decide when you set up your co-reg account, but you can always go back and change it later.

The biggest issue with co-registration is that the people you're building your list with didn't join because they know who you are and want to be part of your world. They're strangers. So, you have to make them your friends.

Write to them once or twice a week, minimum, and give them great stuff. Send them to free things that they can use and enjoy. Give them tips and tricks you've learned. And then, offer them something you've tried and use every day, but that's not free--an affiliate product. They'll be much more inclined to buy.

Using co-registration is an awesome way to build a list quickly, but you have to decide how you want the co-registration to work and then, you have to train your list to be responsive. If you're new to list building and Internet marketing, you may not understand co-reg and be afraid to try it. You shouldn't be. Co-reg is one of the easiest and quickest way to build a list and you should definitely consider it.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building ninja since starting List Crusade back in 2004. Pick up his Free list building CD and get a free one-hour consultation with a list building expert from Overcome Everything when you visit


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

SEO, as we all know, is Search Engine Optimization. There are so many factors of SEO that it is impossible to fulfill all the factors and achieve a 100% in SEO. There is no such thing as "perfect" SEO. Regardless, what we can do is take note of the more important factors, and achieve that as best as we can. And a major part of it is the "40:40:20 ".

According to the analysis of numerous sites, the "40:40:20 " seems to be rather accurate across major search engines like Google and Yahoo!. So what exactly is the "40:40:20"? The "40:40:20" is actually a ratio between "on-page" factors, "off-page" factors and page URLs, with 40% of search engine rankings dependent on on-page factors, 40% on off-page factors and the final 20% on page URLs. However, do note that the exact percentage ratio varies between search engines, though only slightly.

Keywords belong in on-page factors. You will need to have keywords, for every main page in your website, in the right places and with the right density. There should be keywords in the title, description and META keywords. An acceptable keyword density is about 2% to 5%. Some sites use a density as high as 7%, which is not advisable. An overly high keyword density is known as "keyword stuffing". Keyword stuffing might have a negative effect on a website's ranking with the search engines.

Off-page factors center mainly on links; links from within your site's pages and backlinks, which are links from other sites, that link to yours. It is a rule of thumb that to rank well, backlinks are a must. It is however, probably the most difficult to achieve. It is necessary to constantly get new backlinks, or your ranking might drop! One of the methods most used would be article marketing.

Your website and its pages' URL take up the last 20% of the ratio. Webpages with keywords in the URL rank better on search engines. Try putting your key search terms in the page's URL. This will have a significant effect on ranking.

Lastly, there are SEO tools available, for free on the Web., a classifieds website, has just come up with new SEO tools, too. Make use of these free tools to improve on your website's SEO, to cut costs.

The author writes occasional articles of interest in finance, advertising and IT related topics.


Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Nowadays, every business has a website and is being advertised through Internet marketing. Online marketing tools require a lot less time and effort than traditional marketing tools and since Internet users often search the web for information, the tools are programmed to respond quickly and target potential customers.

Though it is traditionally used in print methods, such as newspapers and, writing articles can still be an incredibly useful tool on the Internet. This content can help to boost a business' website ratings and bring the site higher in search engine listings, which will automatically increase the amount of traffic going in and out of the website. The more customers who see a site, the more sales a business will have, whether or not you're selling a product or a service.

The content, which is more likely than not a typical web article, should contain keywords and be search engine optimized so that the site is listed as high as possible on search engines. It should contain important information about the company and the services offered as well as how these services or products can be useful to potential customers. Though it's important that the keywords are visible so that the website will generate more traffic, the article should not be overridden with obvious marketing techniques and should be interesting and captivating to a potential customer. Like any article in a magazine or newspaper, a consumer can stop reading at any point if they become bored and disinterested.

Perhaps even more important than the writing of the actual article is the writing of the headline. A headline is what grabs a consumers attention and makes them decide whether or not they even want to read your article and continue with your website. A headline needs to be catchy and interesting so that a customer is eager to read the rest of the article and find out what this headline, a brief preview of the content, is all about.

Articles are effective marketing tools because, unlike other methods of Internet marketing, such as pop-up advertisements, you can really connect with a potential customer and allow them to become familiar with your business and services. Articles can be used several times and in several different places on the web. You can post the content on your website, email it to subscribers or potential customers, and even list it in article directories so that more users know that it's there.

By publishing articles online, businesses can let customers know that they are an expert in the services they're providing, utilize the resource box for free advertising, increase their profits through an increase of sales and gain from affiliate marketing. Using keywords within an article, businesses can raise their rankings on search engines, such as Yahoo or Google, and attract more high quality user traffic to their website. The more potential customers that visit your website, the more who will read your article and the more who will buy your products or services.

James Copper is a writer for big strategies limited

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