Wednesday, May 7, 2008 

Turning Your Website Into A Moneymaking Webstore - Part 2

Ask Not What They Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Them

Creating a website that generates new sales and new leads is all about your customers. What matters is what happens when they step inside your online shop. Do they buy or not? You can create a website that ensures they do buy, and often!

Make sure your website grabs their attention, speaks their language, gets personal and keeps it simple. Give them a clear reason why they need your products or services. Compel them to take action.

Do The Work For Them

Be straightforward. Tell your customers what you want them to do: Buy Here, Review This, or Book Now.

Create an easy-to-use website. Be consistent from page to page and use clear navigation tools.

Be sure to show pictures, offer crisp descriptions, and list prices with multiple currency options if applicable. Make it easy for them to shop and buy.

Keep It Fresh

There's nothing worse than visiting a website that has not been updated in a while. Keep your website alive and kicking. Add an article or new survey once a month. This gives your customers a reason to check in. It also lets them know you are there, working for them, keeping your website relevant.

Create Great Experiences

Win your customers over, one at a time. Word of mouth from one satisfied customer can travel far and wide on the web.

Do the little things that, surprisingly, not everyone does. Make it easy for your customers to contact you. Respond to their inquiries right away and deliver what you promise.

Give Them More Than They Bargained For

Your website doesn't just have to be a place to shop. Make it a useful resource for your customers. Offer them links to related websites. Share free advice, tips, inspiring stories, or e-cards. Send them a monthly newsletter.

Creating a user-friendly, personal experience for every visitor will help you sell products and services, attract leads, widen your customer base and improve your bottom line.

Steve Klein, CEO, Marketing Breakthroughs Inc., is one of Canada's foremost marketing strategists and a recognized specialist in breakthrough marketing, communications, branding and advertising techniques.


Article Marketing 101 - How Business Owners Can Use It To Their Benefit

Article marketing is quickly becoming one of the absolute best ways for business owners, both large and small, to drive traffic to their website, and also increase their sales exponentially with this method of virtual advertising.

If you haven't yet taken advantage of this simple but effective means of promoting your business using the internet as an invaluable resource, read on to learn how article marketing can increase your sales and help you to quickly make a name for yourself.

What Exactly is Article Marketing?

Article marketing, metaphorically speaking, is like a virtual billboard that has the potential of reaching millions upon millions of people with just a few clicks of a mouse button. Literally, the practice involves publishing keyword-rich, informative articles on any number of article syndication sites with links back to your website. Also, it's a rather cost effective means of advertising, as the majority of sites require no fees for posting content.

Know Your Audience

The tone and general theme of your articles should be tailored to the specific audience you are trying to reach. If your company is marketing closet organizers, for example, you'll then want content to appeal to homeowners or businesses who would have a need for such an item. If you're an affiliate of a company selling products for treating acne, you will want to ensure your articles are geared toward those who are suffering from acne, or at least know someone who is.

People turn to the internet for quick answers and information they can depend on, which leads us to the next key aspect of article marketing: providing content that is reliable and always on point.

Provide Useful, Relevant Material

Although the savvy business owner will want to keep aspects such as search engine optimization (SEO) in the forefront of their mind, the articles you'll be distributing to market your company or product must also be readable and interesting as well as ranked favorably amongst search engine results.

Most article marketing sites have specific guidelines in place that must be adhered to in order to be accepted and listed on the site. Articles that are poorly written or full of errors are likely to be rejected, and even if they aren't, who would want that type of material representing their business, anyway? Ensure that your information is factual and free from plagiarism or typographical errors before attaching your name and submitting to article directories and syndication sites.

Submit Your Articles and Spread the Word

Depending on the website, some will allow you to embed hyperlinks throughout your article, linking visitors to your site, while others state that links should be included at the end of the article in what's referred to as the resource box. Here you can list pertinent information in addition to the link to your website, such as the contact person's name, email address, telephone and fax numbers, as well as how long the author has been an expert in this field, or how long your company has been in operation.

Providing some accurate background lends a sense of authenticity to the article and shows that a real person is behind the company or product that's being marketed.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.


Article Marketing Your Website

A problem every new website owner faces is getting traffic to their website. This is arguably the hardest and most time consuming part of making your website successful. A problem that a lot of owners face is not wanting to spend money on getting the traffic to their website, but there is an easy way to get targeted traffic to your website for free, and that is through article marketing.

The way article marketing works is the website owner writes an article related to the topic of his website and then submits it to an article directory for publication. Now when the owner submits the article he or she includes a link back to their website in the about the author section at the bottom. There are two good effects that this link brings to the website owner, one in the short run, and one in the long run.

In the short run visitors to the article directory will be searching for information on the topic your article was written about and will click the link at the bottom of the article and go to your website. In the short run this will lead to direct visitors and possibly customers.

In the long run the article that you placed on the article directory will get picked up by other website owners who will place the article on their websites and give you even more links back to your websites. That is why it is important to submit your article to a directory that allows publishing of articles as long as they leave the about the author intact. In addition to that the links back to your website will give your website a higher ranking in the search engines and could possibly give you a long steady stream of traffic to your website.

Now get out their and try article marketing your website. I suggest you submit to the Best Articles Directory.

Submit your article to an Article Directory


Article Marketing - The Poor Man's Way To Riches

Article Marketing is the poor man's way to riches. With little or no money, you can drive a lot of traffic with article marketing. By writing a keyword, rich headlines, and body articles you can gain page ranking for your website or product. With high page ranking on the search pages, you will see more traffic on your websites. The same articles will be used for content on other websites which gives you back links and more traffic.

Article Architect is a writing program that simplifies the whole article marketing. It has a keyword search engine built-in that drills down to the best niche. Based on the number of searches to the number of competing sites, there is an article subject research program called SE Snooping built-in that goes out onto the Internet for information. With that, you can write a good rich content article on any topic that will offer your readers very good information on the subject. Another tool is called Brainstorm. It creates 100 headlines for your article based on the information you supply.

The Article Architect is not an automated directory submitter. The format is setup to input all your directories with your passwords and names. Article Architect logs you in. All you do is click and point your articles to the directories submission forms. You can date the submission in the program and track the monies brought in by each article.

This article is just small. Look at a program that has saved me so much time and work. I can write a lot more rich content full articles and know that it will help my readers. If youre writing garbage filled articles to promote your business, this program is not for you. But if you take pride in your work and want to build a rock solid online business, take a look at this program.

There are other programs out there and I say compare quality, the number of tools with in the program, and the price for each one. Article Architect will beat them in every category hands down going away.

You have permission to reprint this Article in it's entirety in your newsletters or blogs. Also please feel free to pass it along to others who you think would enjoy it. Please leave all links active and working.

G Cook
Internet Marketer

My Website

Do yourself a favor and take a look at My Website for more information along with a demo Video.


Article Marketing - Why Articles are Your Most Valuable Promotional Tool

On the Web, links are currency. The more links you have to your site, the more traffic you will get. Article marketing gives you a time-tested way to develop good links, and to increase the traffic to your site.

Article marketing has other benefits too: it reveals your expertise in your area, and over time, brands you as an authority. This builds the credibility of your site and your offerings.

So you can use article marketing in two ways: to develop links to your site, and to increase your credibility online.

But first, let's establish what "article marketing" is. Article marketing is essentially a form of advertising - a site owner writes short articles related to their business as a form of promotion.

Links are vital online, and article marketing helps you to get links

Let's say you and your competitor have two similar sites, with roughly the same number of pages, and good content throughout each of your sites. However, your competitor always shows up in the first ten results on the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs) for your primary keywords.

What's happening here?

Invariably, your competitor's site has more backlinks - more links which point to his site. The search engines, especially Google, take the number of backlinks into account when deciding which site has more authority, and the most authoritative sites are always returned first in the search engines' query results.

Is your site credible?

When someone finds your site, at the back of his mind is a single question: "How credible is this site?"

Credibility and trust are vital issues online, especially if you're selling from your site. Your site's visitors must know that they can trust you.

Article marketing helps to establish trust. Write articles in your field, promote the articles on article directories, and you will become an authority in your field, if those articles are useful.

So if you're considering article marketing as a form of promotion, don't hesitate. It gives you a lot of bang for a small amount of time invested.

When you consider that your articles will work for you year after year, and compare this with the ephemeral nature of advertising, article marketing is a great investment of your time and energy.

Want to build a well-paid writing career? You can, with Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For more writing tips, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report". It's 21 pages packed with information to help you to develop a six-figure writing career, and it's completely free. Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Blog at brings you fresh writing tips several times a week.


Article Marketing - Latest 5 No-Brainer Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing's popularity cannot be ignored these days. People from all parts of the globe are amazed with its effectiveness and simplicity of use. That is why, it is no wonder why most webmasters are using this method as their primary marketing arm.

1. Be desperate for attention. By this, I mean knowing all the elements that can potentially entice online users to read your articles. One of the best ways to do so is by using attention-grabbing titles that appeal to your target market. Learn how to trigger their emotions, pique their curiosity, or even apply exaggeration to get them to click on your articles.

2. Deliver quality, complete information. Nothing can make an article more impressive than filling it with relevant, detailed content because after all, online users are reading articles just to be informed. Carefully select all the information that play crucial roles in your topic and present them in a logical manner to promote better understanding.

3. Write more. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. Strive to multiply the number of your articles by either writing content that you are very familiar with or writing short articles.

4. Use simple words. Remember, you are not writing for encyclopedias or running towards getting a Pulitzer award. In writing your articles, it is better that you focus your energy on making your readers understand your ideas than trying to impress them with the use of big words.

5. Your ideas should be related to your main topic. Avoid discussing ideas that are not related on your topic to avoid annoying your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


How We Actually Threw Away 30 Visitors to Our Blog

We threw away 30 visitors to our blog. It was real easy and you can do it too. (I hope you see me smiling)

We posted an excellent content filled article on collage making to several article directories. We had allowed several weeks to go by without checking the statistics.

Finally, late one evening, I decided to look at all the statistics in all the article directories. Well, knock me over, the article on collage making had over 2,000 views on one of the largest article directories on the internet. It also had also been published in 16 E-zines.

We were excited. Then, I decided to peek at the website we used. There had been additional sites created that might fit in the resource page of that article. We were horrified to see a broken link. That means that those 30 clicks on that bad link were trashed. But wait it only gets better. Remember those 16 E-zines that downloaded and published the article? We wonder how many visitors tried to reach our blogs after viewing those articles all over the world.

The morale of this story is to check your links and review your article statistics on a regular basis. You don't want to throw away potential visitors to your sites. Learn from our mistake and errors. After all once you make a mistake you usually will not make it again unless your brain cells are not functioning.

The other lesson is to avoid posting an article to the directory late at night when you are tired. Write it, review it, and go to bed.

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