Thursday, June 5, 2008 

Where To Get The Best Links To Your Website

The first major role inbound links play in the success of a website is immediate and direct traffic to the website. The second major role for inbound links is to improve the sites ranking in search engines for popular key words. This can mean free traffic to your website for a long time to come.

A close inspection of any high traffic website will reveal that they tend to have a large number of inbound links directed at their website. Getting this information is a fairly simple process from a host of resources. One resource for this information is Yahoo site explorer where you can just enter the url and it will give you the results for internal and external links. There are also others such as Google, Technorati and others.

There are some webmasters that spend a lot of time cultivating exchanges with other websites. This is becoming a more and more ineffective form of link building over time as search engines can detect reciprocal links and discount their value. The value from reciprocal linking comes from the traffic it could bring to your site more so than the link itself.

Webmasters that need to build many inbound links often turn to web directories. Directories are a valuable resource for websites trying to build inbound links. Once the website is submitted to the directory, the directory will review the submission. If the site is a quality resource and fits with the content of the directory, the site will be accepted and a link to it placed within the directory.

Increase your Websites online presence today by getting listed on The Authority Business Directory. Plus, don't forget to submit link for inclusion while you are visiting.


Article Marketing - How Do I Quickly Repurpose 5 Existing Articles to the Article Directories?

Q: How do I re-purpose 5 existing articles to the article directories ASAP?

A: That's a great question because many people have existing content sitting around somewhere that they could quickly and easily post online in the article directories.

So here are the steps to get your existing content up quickly.

Step 1 - Focus on just one article directory to start, and I'll suggest EzineArticles. I'll show you my three tiered submission approach to all the article directories in another article.

Step 2 - Get an account at EzineArticles - Simple and easy to do. You get your account and can start submitting articles right away.

Step 3 - Chunk it down - Most content that has been written before may be too long for the article directories. Writing articles for distribution on the internet is a different animal. If you have an article that is 900 words long, you want to chunk it down into at least 2 articles, maybe three. In this way you have 3 "article agents" out there working for you instead of just one.

Step 4 - Submit your article - So many people put off this step because they are waiting for their article to be perfect. DON'T do that! Get your article(s) out there working for you. You can go in and tweak and fine tune them later. This is especially true when you are re-purposing old content.

Step 5 - Do steps 3 and 4 over and over again. Article marketing is a numbers game, and the higher your article volume the higher all your other numbers will be.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy


5 Secrets to Generate Clicks With Your Articles

When writing an article, always have your reader in mind. Look at your article with a critical eye and think how your reader would interpret it. Don't think of it as an article, think of it as a sales piece.

Before writing an article, write down your goals for the article. Do you merely want to provide information and let people know you are knowledgeable in the field? Do you want to generate web traffic or would you prefer it if readers click on your links? It is imperative that you develop a goal for each article you write.

1. If your goal is to entice the viewer to click on your links, make sure you give them enough information to pique their curiosity and offer them more detailed information by clicking the link in your Resource Box.

2. Make a list of the main features of the item or service you are promoting in your article. If you are writing about autoresponders, list the features of autoresponders. For each of these features, write how it would benefit the user. For example:
Feature - It can send out thousands of sales presentations simultaneously.
Benefit - Earn thousands of dollars at the push of a button.

3. Paint a picture with your benefits. Make an emotional appeal so the viewers can actually see themselves. In the example above you can change the benefit to: Earn thousands of dollars while you bask in the warm sunshine of a Caribbean beach sipping a cool drink.

4. Select two or three of your strongest features and benefits and write them into your article. Start with the items that would be most attractive to your reader. It is not necessary to go into great detail; you will do that after they click on your link.

5. Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further. People tend to skim over the available titles when they are looking for information. Your article has to jump out at them. Your title is the most important part of your article. If you write a great article and give it a boring title, no one will read it. All of your hard work will have been for nothing.

Using these five techniques, you will substantially increase you success rate with articles. I'm sorry, but I've got to go now. You see the tide is coming in and the waves are approaching my beach chair. Anyway, I can use another drink. I'll see you on the beach!

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Is Being Number 1 In Google All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Anyone who has ever even heard the phrase 'search engine optimisation' will have experienced, largely through countless spam emails, adverts promising you the number 1 spot on 10 major search engines (we're not even convinced there are 10 major search engines) within a month or two. It's nonsense, and the scam here is that you're often top for search terms that no one will ever search for, but I digress: The adverts indicate that the desirable number 1 spot in Google is all important for your online marketing, but is that really true?

Now before you scoff and disregard this article I must stress that ranking well for strategically chosen and targeted keywords is all important. It's just that 'well' doesn't always translate as being 'number 1'. Statistically speaking, minimal numbers ever click past the third screen of results (although they don't always go from Page 1 to 2 to 3 - many people look at, for example Page1 then 4, then 9) before retreating to refine their keywords if they don't find what they're looking for on their first go. In fact, most people don't even click the second page, so a top 10 ranking is definitely desirable.

That said there are definitely things that you should consider before you spend valuable time and resources hunting that number 1 slot:

A site lower down the results page can outperform a site higher up.

It's something of a myth that says a site's traffic numbers from search engines is purely a result of its position. The assumption is that the higher you are, the more traffic you get - this isn't always true. If your titles and descriptions seem to match the searcher's requirements, and you're still visible you will often get the click ahead of number 1 (assuming you're in the top 10!)

To take an example, for the search 'Holidays to Istanbul' if, in the results page, your title and description says "Low Cost Holidays to Istanbul" but you are in the position 4, then you are probably still likely to get more clicks into your site than a competitor's listing that says "Low Cost Holidays to Turkey", even if your competitor is higher up in the search engine results page.

Page 1 on a Search Engine is not always good Value for Money

Imagine you rent a shop on the High Street. Yes, you will get more traffic but your rent will also be very high, which means that your profit per sale will be reduced. There are lots of shops 2 or 3 streets behind the High Street and even further away, who also do good business. They get lower traffic numbers but, as their rent is much lower, their profit per sale is much higher. Especially for niche shops, being on the High Street is usually not good value for money.

This same analogy works for search engines. It costs more money to optimise or PPC your site for the first page of a search engine results page but sometimes being on a lower page will actually prove to be a better business proposition as the costs involved will be much lower.

Search engines aren't the only source of traffic!

Search engines aren't the only place online where people look for your services or products. Sure, they're important and can lead to more sales and brand awareness, but people can find your site from other sources too: email newsletters, word of mouth, traffic from other websites and increasingly through social media. None of these replace the humble search engine in terms of importance (yet!), but they do combine to provide a valuable source of visitors, and often these may be cheaper and less time consuming for a better quality of customer.

Site conversion and sales are more important than traffic for traffic's sake

Let's go back a step here. Why do people care about their Google ranking? To get more visitors. Okay, go back one step further, why do they want more visitors? To get more sales.

Sure, top spot will, with the right title and description, almost always get more visitors, but that's completely counter intuitive if the users are rushing into the site, not finding what they want and clicking out just as readily! In most cases, it's a far better idea to spend more time and resources worrying about site conversion strategies (look to book strategies) than pushing for that spot higher in Google.

So perhaps it's best to stop obsessing over number 1 slot, and be satisfied with offering the best experience you can offer. Being number 1 is a massive ego boost, and will increase your visibility, but there are more important issues to be concerned with when marketing your website. Good sites will rise naturally over time, and in the greater scheme of things a good site conversion rate and customer experience is preferable to vast quantities of unfocussed traffic anyway.

Frank Orman is the managing director of LeadGenerators - specialists in UK travel marketing online. Focussing on site conversion, pay per click and SEO issues, the company has achieved some excellent results in its 4 years in business.


Types of Writers in Online Article Marketing

As we study the online article marketing venue, we see so many levels of article authors. We have seasoned veteran writers and even many published novelists as well as individuals who have only written one or two articles. There are complete novices, student, reporters, authors, industry leaders and we can classify them into various categories such as:

  • Genius
  • Enlightened
  • Brilliant
  • Experts
  • Authority
  • Creative
  • Student of Subject
  • Computer Generated
  • Key Wording Bandits
  • Poser (BS’er)
  • Plagiarizers
In considering all this and describing the differences of the "Type of Writers" out there. I was thinking of adding the "Knowledge Distributor" as an add-on sub-type to many of those types of writers listed; also the "Ego Writer" or "Pure Opinion" or "Blog" writer. I also realize that there a many cross-over types where a writer might be a combination of some or more types, even sometimes in the same article.

Thus if we could design a program to "Catch Mood" and have sub-type designation, similar to the Voice Recognition software which catches "voice inflection" or emotion, no matter what dialect, I think we might have a very good search tool for the reader. Of course this might cost some money, but there are some VC companies in San Jose that I am SURE would like such a tool.

Such a tool could be used for searching thru research papers, intelligence, Blogs, threats, opinions to find information that is relevant and it might also help us find the geniuses, experts, authorities and enlightened individuals who can help with the forward progression of mankind.

You see, I believe, as perhaps Plato did, as he seem to elude to the concept that everyone in a society should do what they are best at and be alleviated from as much of the trivial-ness activities as possible to concentrate on those endeavors.

So the searching tool would not only be hyper-value added for the reader of this site or to add to a semantic search feature on Web 2.0 or 3.0, but might benefit all aspects of sifting thru the 10 plus billion web pages to find what you are truly looking for.

Of course in building any AI system we must remember that software programs of this type work on definitions and not like an actual human brain. But if we can better understand how the human brain does all this and how best to classify the types and sub-types and combinations and anomalies of combos, we might serve us all to a huge degree. So, those are my thoughts.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


Article Marketing is the #1 Traffic Strategy

Once you apply the multipliers which is search engine data for content sites, affiliate programs for sales sites and then after one-time promotions, my #1 strategy which I have found to be the most effective method of getting traffic to new sites as well as old is submitting articles with a short promotional blurb in a resource box at the end of the article.

There are many avenues to get your articles distributed. You can posting articles at or, Associated Content and SearchWarp all good places to submit. You can also use services like or and pay to have your articles distributed. Another way to distribute is to use software like Article Submitter Pro or Article Post Robot.

There is nothing wrong with any of these techniques. I have used them all successfully. But there is a much, much more powerful method of article marketing that most marketers miss- ezine and newsletter marketing.

First I want you to get a grip on the potential of article marketing and then I want you to get a grip on how small of a slice of the pie the above methods cover. Go to Google and type your one word topic followed by the word "article" and then followed by the word "articles". So if your topic is "golf", then search for: golf article, golf articles. Then repeat the above process using "ezine", "ezines", "newsletter" plus "newsletters". I want you to make a note of how many search results are returned for each of these -these are the results your competition is missing. Thousands of article marketers are all competing for the attention of just a tiny fraction of the total market for article distribution, while missing the important ezine and newsletter channel for distribution.

This is where ArticleROI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal - it submits to hundreds of built-in ezines and newsletters, and allow you to add an unlimited amount of your own, custom publishers.


Targeted SEO - 3 Basic Steps to Search Engine Optimization to Earn More Profits

As they always say and claim "where there is more traffic, more profit is expected..."

Traffic is always equated with money. Nonetheless, people tend to forget the reason why webmasters are able to generate traffic - the search engine optimization. Truly, search engine optimization or SEO is one of the fundamental underlying factors that lead a site to a better ranking, thus, building more traffic and therefore, earning more profitable money. Notably, thru search engine optimization, you get to reach the peak of the rank without having to sacrifice paying more money to paid advertisements. So, if you want to learn how to better optimize your search engine, learn from these few facts:

a. Consider revising your web content. When you have noticed that the website is not picking up in terms of traffic, you may want to consider doing some revisions on your web content. The contents may not be able to reach the standards or requirements of your potential clients and your visitors that is why there are an unimpressive number of visitors. You may want to dig deeper on what your potential visitors are looking for on a web content and be able to address those immediately.

b. Check your keyword contents. The path to a better and optimized web page is thru your keywords. The keywords are one of the things that are being looked onto by search engines. When they see relevant and essential keywords (of course working in consonance with your web content), there is more likelihood that you your website gets to be a little search engine friendlier.

c. Check the keyword density. The number of keywords present on your web content also is a great consideration to look into when doing search engine optimization. You would not want to over weigh the content with keywords though because this is not at all good in the eye of the search engine. Always regulate the number of keywords.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to SEO success, 'Secrets of SEO'

Download it free here: SEO Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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