Friday, August 29, 2008 

6 Don'ts You Should Avoid In Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best strategies to make money online. In fact, you can make a lot of profit just concentrating your online marketing using this method. Just ask any top Internet Marketer, which is the best way to promote our business? They will surely answer "Article Marketing".

However, if you have thousands of articles and you promote it wrongly, it will only waste your time and effort. Below here I list down 6 "Don't"s that you should not do in promoting your articles:

1) Don't forget to craft a relevant and intriguing title. This is essentially the entry point for your article wherever it is listed. If site visitors are not even curious enough to click on your article title to see what it is all about, then you'll automatically cut in half your potential prospects who may have been turned into site visitors through your article.

2) Don't put your article on two different sites because identical copies on these both sites do not count as unique content. For instance, if you put one article on your site and one on a highly-ranked directory, that directory will probably get spider first, which means they will receive the unique content credit - and you will receive nothing other than a one-way link from that site.

3) Don't use a link to your home page as the first or only link in your article resource box. An article should always be geared toward a specific product and landing page, rather than a home page, which will contain links to all of your different offers. Instead, use a landing page link first and your home page link second. It is also best to include an opt-in form in your landing page. By doing this, you can follow up with your customers anytime you wish.

4) Don't forget to draw up some 'terms of use' for your articles. In these terms, you may want to include that you do not allow use on 'splogs' (so-called spam blogs) and sites that could be considered link farms. If search engines find your link in a bad neighborhood, your site could get indexed or penalized heavily.

When you create 'terms of use' for your articles, consider whether or not you want anyone to be able to use your article without specifically soliciting approval from you via email. Additionally, remember to tell all people who re-publish your article that they do not have the right to alter it or the resource box.

5) Don't use an affiliate link as the only link in your article resource box. When creating permanent one-way links, it is always a good idea to point them at Internet real estate you actually own. If you stop promoting that affiliate program - or, if the owner stops selling the product, you will be out of luck. Additionally, you won't get the benefits that come from a one-way link.

6) Don't forget to concentrate and putting your keyword into your article. Spend the time to figure out appropriate keyword tags for your article. Remember that article directories also use a search engine model to determine which articles will be pulled by which searches. If your articles are not appropriately classified, you will find that you get less click-thru traffic from the actual site.

With this information, I hope you re-adjust your strategy on article marketing. Do it wrong and you just throw away your time for nothing. Article marketing is like an art. If you do it correctly, your article will be notice by reader and you have a better chance of succeeding in your business and make more money online.

Izrul Fizal has been marketing online since 2005 and he is using his number one technique to gather hundred thousand of lists for free to promote his business. Get your free report on How To Obtain 1000 Lists In 3 Days For Free at


Buying Articles for the Web

Offering free content on yours or others business Web site is a crucial part of Internet marketing. In fact, thats how Internet marketing got started, which is why everyone wants and expects something for nothing on the World Wide Web. Theyve always been getting it.

The public has come to expect Internet information to be free, and those most-often searched keywords are what will take consumers to your Web site. Once youve determined the most visited keywords in your industry, youll want to write or find articles that incorporate them.

If youre not a good writer, or you dont have the time it takes to write articles, you can use the articles of others. You can offer local writers or industry experts to contribute articles in return for their bio which gives their own site and business credibility, branding and traffic. Or you can buy articles from people you dont know. One way of doing this is through an article membership site. Here youll find articles on just about any subject, with new ones added all the time.

There are many sites that offer articles and memberships to help your Internet marketing. The catch, however, is that each invariably limits its membership ranks so that the Internet marketing articles dont get published too often. You may have to do some searching, or some waiting, to get a membership in the Internet marketing article membership site of your choice.

Once you are a member and you find the articles you want to publish your Internet marketing work is not done, however, You have to do some rewriting, making it not only fresh and unique to your site, but also giving it a little tweak so it talks directly about your industry, and, if possible, about your products or services.

You may find an article or articles that particular fit your Web site and your business but the keywords you need arent found that densely in the article. So youll need to do that. Thats fairly easy to do, and far easier than sitting down and writing your own article.

Never take an article from an article membership site and publish it verbatim. This is destructive to your Internet marketing concept. You want to make it yours your voice, your personality and your products. You might even find a lengthy article that you could use as a tease, publishing the first part and then offering the conclusion next week. You might also publish a newsletter a great Internet marketing tool. You start the article in the newsletter and refer readers to your site for the conclusion.

Whatever you do, make it yours. Your Internet marketing will succeed as a result.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Leonard invites you to submit your articles to Moxie-Drive Expressions, the most exclusive, hand edited internet marketing article directory on the web today. Or just visit and enjoy a good read!


Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Build A Huge Responsive List

One of the most difficult parts of building a successful internet business is building a list. I remember when I first started online I was struggling to see any results.

It was at this stage I realized that all the top gurus have very big lists. They send out an email promotion and a day later they have made tens of thousands of dollars in sales. I knew I wanted a big list. So I started advertising my squeeze pages in traffic exchanges and safelists. However, the results was not exactly what I was looking for.

It was at this stage I came across article marketing. I knew this would work for. It is a very hands off approach to driving traffic to your squeeze page. With ppc or ezine advertising you need to spend a lot of time tweaking your adverts for maximum conversion. You also get to waste a lot of money in the process. I was on a shoestring budget so I did not want to spend thousands of dollars in advertising. The other advantage is that the quality of traffic that you will get is also a lot higher.

Let me go through the process that you need to follow to build a list using articles. You need to write articles focusing on your niche market. For example this could be solving problems that your reader will face. Also make sure to help the reader first as this will significantly boost your result.

Finally, submit your articles to the major article directories. You will include a link to your squeeze page in your resource box. I suggest that you offer a free ebook for download. If the reader likes what you have to say they will subscribe to your newsletter.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Advanced Steps to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is one of the greatest sales lead generation techniques today. However, there are marketers who fall short in their effort to pull their readers to their website and their connection to the readers instantly end there. You wouldn't want this to happen to your article marketing campaign, would you? That is why you need to supercharge your marketing efforts to make sure that your readers will be converted to clients.

Here are the advanced steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Include a "bait" on your resource box. You would like your readers to click the URL on your resource box and you have to make it happen. You can easily do that by including irresistible offer that will excite your readers. Some of the effective baits that you can use are free special reports, free eBooks, vouchers, discounts or even free articles.

2. Establish your credibility and expertise. Briefly tell your readers about your experiences or your achievements so you can prompt them to visit your website and get more information. Make sure that you make your call to action statement strong and impacting, otherwise you will lose a potential client.

3. Do not bore your readers. Make sure that your resource box is no more than 3 sentences. Remember you are not writing another article. Make it brief, concise, enticing, and powerful so your readers will not have reason not to click your website's URL.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use a maximum of 3 URLs. Take advantage of this and include at least 2 anchor texts using the most relevant keywords to your target niche. By doing so, you make it a bit easier for your readers to get to your website quickly.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


Marketing Lessons Learned From My 13 Year Old Daughter

I never thought with all my years of business success, that I would ever learn anything about marketing from any of my kids. But I was proven wrong. My younger daughter showed me that even at her young age that she knows more than most people will ever know about marketing her business.

Here is a prime example. There is a local indoor soccer facility where both my sons play and practice. Usually when I take them there, my daughter comes with me.

Almost every time we go there she leaves with a babysitting job.

I was curious how she was able to do this with so many other eligible babysitters around and she told me how she was playing in the play area (it's a climbing area for really little kids). I told her I thought she was a little old to be playing there.

But then she let me in on her secret. She said that the play area is where her potential customers hang out. By going in there and interacting with the kids, the parents get to witness first hand how she will interact with their kids. She doesn't have to approach the parents to ask them for a job. They come to her practically begging for her services once they see how comfortable the kids are with her. Also, some of the kids ask their parents when they will get to see her again. She is growing an incredible business with no advertising and doing it completely offline.

This is the perfect business model and made even easier with the Internet. You hang out in places where your potential customers (i.e. target market) hang out. I usually like to go into marketing forums, user groups (for networking and marketing), offline business groups and other networking avenues. Surrounding myself with these people and making connections is a great way to build up your network of potential customers/distributors. Then you establish yourself as a leader in these groups by providing real content and not just pushing your opportunity and yourself on these people. They will start to see the value that you can bring and will want to work with you. Once this has happened, people will beg you to join your organization and even if they don't join you right away, if you have formed a real relationship with these people they will want to see you again sometime. Maybe then the timing will be right.

Follow this model and you will reap major rewards.

And who knows, you may even get a babysitting gig out of it.

To our success,

Chuck Abbott

Chuck Abbott hosts a free weekly teleseminar series called Follow My Success. He presents a different marketing leader each week who will show you how to market your business in ways that will bring you the maximum returns. Go to for more details.


Using The Power Of Craigslist To Explode Your Conventional Or Online Business

Are you looking for a quality, free source of advertising to explode your online or conventional business? Look no further than Craigslist . This advertising medium was started in 1995 by Craig Newmark. The business has grown and now employs 24 people.

Most of the advertising is free, except for job ads that are paid for in selected cities in the US. The classified ads placed on this nearly free medium range from goods and services, to forums, community announcements, and even personal ads.

The Craigslist website isn't flashy, but it sure does work for the people advertising there. The one thing you need to know about is that they have software in place to keep you from over posting your ad. There are hundreds of clever marketers who have beat the system and post hundreds or maybe more ads per day. From information that I have read, your ad can just disappear from its classification unless you use stealth techniques.

One stealth technique that the mass marketers use is to get some "Hide my IP" software. You see, each computer has its' own unique IP and Craigslist software uses this to track your computers IP address for over posting. There is however, "hide my IP" software available for a reasonable price on the internet to do the job. Good "hide my IP" software can be programmed to change at intervals that you choose.

Another thing that the Craigslist software does is monitor your email address when posting. Post over 2 to 3 ads from the same address and your ad may not appear. The Craigslist advertisers in the know, will get up to 100 free email addresses from, then rotate these addresses when posting. After using the email addresses for a week or two, they cancel their email accounts and get different ones.

I hope that you visit to find out what it is all about. I know you will be very surprised to find that a free advertising medium like this exists.

Tom Jacobson is a licensed real estate agent in the state of Washington who also specializes in internet marketing techniques for those individuals who want to start their own home based business. He offers a unique concept to internet newbies to help put cash in their pocket in less than 24 hours and build their business into a nice $200 daily income using free or almost free advertising -

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