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Saturday, June 7, 2008 

Internet Marketing Conference Success - 7 Winning Strategies For Boosting Your "Who-You-Know" Factor

Conferences? For internet marketers? Who needs them anyway? You do!

Why is that? Let me count the ways! Here are 7 key strategies that help you realize the important role conferences can play in your career, and how to go about making the most of the conferences you go to.

1. Know why you should consider going to face-to-face internet marketing conferences.

You may wonder: Why bother? You know that what matters is not really (only) what you know. Here's what's much more important: WHO you know.

Well, guess what! How are you going to get to know the WHO's whom you'll need to know? How will you meet those gurus who can help you market your product by sending it to their lists? Conferences, of course. And what seems next to impossible in normal life will be a piece of cake at a conference.

2. Fully appreciate the potential benefits of going to a conference - and act accordingly.

Is it really worth all the trouble and expense? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Why? Priceless contacts. Not just gurus, but potential JV partners as well. New friends. Often all of the above rolled into one. Great information too!

3. How do you go about actually meeting anyone? Actually, it will be difficult not to. But to maximize your effectiveness, pay attention to three key parts of the conference: before, during, and after. Plan ahead, for all of it. Ensure ideal networking conditions by staying at the conference hotel.

4. Before the conference: Do like a girl scout or boy scout: Be prepared. Get the program, look at who will be there and which of the many people you would most like to meet. If there are key people, buy some of their products and READ them if you haven't already (or listen to them, or watch them, as applicable). If there are none of the key people you want to meet, consider looking for a different conference. Bring a big stack of business cards.

5. During the conference, part one: Be alert & pace yourself. Make sure you are well rested. Avoid (too much) alcohol. Be ready for chatting and socializing with the key people you want to meet at a moment's notice. Be friendly to everybody else too. You never know if you're talking with the CEO-to-be of the next Google, Facebook, or Squidoo.

6. During the conference, part two: Gurus are people too! Be respectful of their time, be familiar with what they do, but most of all, be friendly and treat them like the nice and likeable human beings they are.

7. After the conference: Follow up. Take out all those business cards. Hopefully, you'll have jotted notes on the back of each of them. If not, do it now, before you forget who was who. Then review: Who was this person again? What did you promise by way of follow-up? Do it. Send them all a friendly "nice to have met you" email. Send them something of interest and value if at all possible. Oh, and keep in touch!

And that's it! Seven winning ways to get the most out of a conference. Get real about the importance of personal contact and about conferences as the primary way to achieve it. Get ready and prepared. Go and play nice. Follow-up and deliver what you've promised - and then some. Enjoy your new friends, and most importantly, keep in touch.

Now there's only one more question. Which internet marketing conference are you planning to go to first?

Whether you're ready to meet your favorite guru, find a JV partner, or just learn some new tricks, this upcoming internet marketing conference has it all: http://www.meetaguru.info

And for more information on internet marketing and other helpful topics, check out Elisabeth's eclectic self-help blog http://www.myfavoriteselfhelpstuff.com with resources for body, mind, spirit, and prosperity. Come visit and get a free ebook (or two) just for signing up for her e-tips.

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