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Monday, June 9, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is attractive because it doesn't cost any money, it's easy to do, and it brings in traffic to your website immediately. The only downside is that it takes some work to consistently crank out high quality articles. The minute you stop submitting articles to the directories, your traffic begins to dry up.

That's why one of the most important things to learn in article marketing is how to write high quality articles fast. I have developed several different techniques for doing this, depending on the topic at hand. One of the best techniques I use is the "why, what, how, what if", because it works for every article.

First, let's consider why it works. It's a system. Just like you wouldn't build a house without a blueprint, you shouldn't write articles without having a guide to follow. This guide is simple:

1. Why - tell they why they need to know the information you're going to share in your article
2. What - tell them what they need to know and what is the most relevant aspects of the topic
3. How - tell them how to use your information. Give them exercises or a step-by-step action plan they can execute immediately after reading the article
4. What if - give them some hypothetical results they can expect to achieve by following your information

There are two killer reasons which makes the above outline so effective. The first reason is that I stole this outline from a book on learning styles. A Harvard professor found that we have one of four basic learning styles. 31% of people have a "why" learning style.

So if you don't tell someone why they need to know the information you're going to share with them, they can't comprehend it! In other words, they'll never act on it because they won't know why they should.

So not only is it a great way to knock out articles at high speeds, but it also makes sure you hit every learning style along the way.

One last secret - not only is this a great formula for articles, but it's a perfect formula for creating your own information products. And that's where the money is really at.

If you do article marketing, then you should download my report, "How to Write an Article in 7 Minutes". It shows you how to write a high quality 400 word article in 7 minutes or less, including proof reading and research.

It even works on topics you know nothing about! Click here to get it!

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