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Sunday, June 15, 2008 

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

These are the absolutely imperative items you must include in your bio box:

Authors Name: its absolutely amazing how many people forget to put their name in this box, this should be the very first thing you actually write

The website url: you must put in the website address for the product or service you are selling, for example, http://www.veretekmarketing.co.uk

An Elevator Pitch: this is where you put you USP (unique selling point), the main benefits to the product or service you are selling o A Call To Action: This is where you have to get your reader / prospect to do something, i.e. go to your website a buy from you.

Below are some extra items you are welcome to include in your bio box

Your business Contact Information: Such as your business phone number or how to reach you for interviews or your press/media kit. Keep in mind that article marketing is a timeless strategy and you may not have an easy ability to retract what you put in your article once it hits major distribution.

A Free Report: offer something free to the reader / prospect, this will entice them further to go to your website and BUY!

An anchor URL that is related to one keyword or the keyword phrase that you would like to build SEO strength for. Example: if I wanted to build search engine relevance/strength for the term "Article Marketing," I'd link up that term in my resource box to my website. This is an intermediate to advanced level strategy and should not be abused by over-doing it. Keep it simple.

A few things you definitely should not include in your bio box:

Listing every single website that you own, this will seriously decrease any credibility that you may have spent time building up.

Telling your reader / prospect about every major accomplishment you have made, to be quite frank the reader / prospect does not care!

Never advertise products or services that aren't related to the topic / article you are writing about.

As a general rule of the thumb your bio box should not exceed more than 20% of the article its self, all too often authors make their bio box up t 50% of their article

My final conclusion to your bio box:

When writing your article remember the main body of it is where you get to "give" information to your reader / prospect, the bio box is where you will get to "take" information from your reader / prospect.

Kieran Philip is a successful interactive marketer who has helped hundreds of people build successful online businesses. Kieran offers a unique coaching programme with his exclusive top selling business start up package. For your 100% free bonus gifts from Kieran Kelly go to

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