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Friday, May 16, 2008 

6 Key Ways to Advance in Article Marketing

Productive article marketing is more than just writing articles and posting them in as many places as possible to increase exposure for your business. Its a strategy, and here are six key ways to make it work for you.

Key 1: Be Clear and Be Popular
When you write your article, appeal to as many people as possible. Dont use esoteric words, a lot of acronyms, or other things the average person wont understand. If you are writing for a specific audience you may be able to use a little more than normal, but simple is still best.

Key 2: Use Keywords and Keyword Phrases
Use the search terms someone would enter in search engines to look for that specific article. If its an article on red garden hoses, use that as your search term. If its more general, like hospitals, choose a combination like quality hospitals or orthopedic hospitals if you can be specific.

Key 3: Dont Give it All Away At Once
Hold back some information so you can do an article series. This creates some anticipation and people will look forward to your next one.

Key 4: Market the Articles
Rather than post them on content websites, offer them to webmasters who have similar businesses. Many of them will take you up on a free article in exchange for a backlink.

Key 5: Blog Your Writing
Even if you dont have a lot of articles out there, start a blog about your writing. People will post comments about your type of business in general and give you more ideas for future articles.

Key 6: Write It
If you tell someone you will have an article done for them, make sure you do it. Even if youre offering it for free, dont miss a deadline. Be reliable.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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