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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

Beginners Guide To Getting Started With Article Marketing

I remember when I first started with article marketing I was very overwhelmed to write my very first article. It really is simple once you understand how to write one. In this article I will go over the basic steps so that you can write your first one.

1) Brainstorm ideas

First start off by brainstorming ideas. You need to write on a topic that concerns the niche market that your website is in. For example this could be how to solve a specific problem that is very common in that niche. It is very important that you do not focus on too general a topic. The more focus the better.

2) Write the introduction and conclusion paragraphs first

Sometimes it can be difficult to write. It is easiest to get going by first writing the introduction. Make sure that you write the first paragraph and create enough interest to make the reader want to read the rest of your article. You could for example mention a problem that most people experience in that market. Write the conclusion next. The main focus of the conclusion is to get the reader to take action. You can mention how wonderful it is to actually get the specific problem that your article focuses on solved.

3) Create an outline of your article

This is one of the most important steps. The outline is where the meat of the article will exist. You can create bullet points with the original ideas that you brainstormed in step one. You then can expand on each idea and write a complete paragraph focusing on that idea. This technique will save you a considerable amount of time.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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