Use Title Tags To Boost Your Search Engine Ranking
The title tag is the first thing many people will see when they look at your website or a search result for your site on a search engine page. A carefully chosen title tag will also boost your search engine ranking so it is essential that you get it right. Here is some advice on writing the perfect title tag.
The title tag on any web page is the text that appears between
It is recommended that you keep your title tag text to about 66 characters, although Yahoo displays 120 characters in search results. If you choose to go over the 66 character mark, try to keep the most relevant information at the start of your title tag text.
When writing your title tag you should concentrate primarily on two things. First you should include will researched keywords to boost your popularity among search engines. Second, you should write your title tag in a way that in encourages users to click through to your website.
Selecting the right keywords will take some research and is a subject that merits an article, or a series of articles, in itself. Read up on the subject and make use of some of the excellent free keyword research tools available online.
For the purpose of this article it is important to point out that your main keywords should be placed at the start of your title tag. Include more keywords if you can but do not sacrifice readability.
Each webpage of your site will be different, and so should your title tags. Write a different tag for each page that is relevant. The title should communicate the content of the page. Also remember that if a user bookmarks your page or adds it to favorites, the title tag will be used. So, the more descriptive the tag the better.
You can also experiment with using symbols in your title tag to help grab the attention of the reader. You will often see symbols such as brackets or asterisks on each side of the text. Use these if you wish, but involves sacrificing some characters.
Never, ever leave title tags blank or you miss out on a great SEO opportunity, and it looks unprofessional. Most web design software have a default 'untitled' text within the title tags, be sure to change this before your site goes live.
There is much more to SEO than good title tags, but it is an important step in boosting your search engine page rankings and does not take a lot of work.
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