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Friday, September 12, 2008 

Building Web Traffic is Continuous Task

The Internet is a very competitive arena. It's easy to see one of the reasons why. At a click of a button, any web surfer can move from one business website to the next. The real world restrictions of distance and accessibility are barely applicable. For a site to succeed, it needs to respond very quickly to shifts in the environment. In this environment, its clear that website age is not enough to build or sustain traffic. That right, setting up your website and then sitting back and expecting it to grow or get anywhere by itself is unlikely to happen. Websites need continuous tending and in this article we'll view some of the reasons why.

As time passes, your current competitors are adding content to their sites and promoting their services every way that they can. Their promotion results in them developing more links and repeat users. Whereas a site which remains untended does not improve over time an stagnates in a very real sense. Additionally, more competitors, usually highly motivated, will enter your arena.

Thus, once you've completed your site, you should really develop a program for adding fresh content to the site continuously. Review your niche, read journals an bloggs in your niche, be up to date with new laws, technologies , major entrants to the market, and operating techniques employed by your competitors. In essence , you should improve and update your knowledge of the niche. This improved knowledge can then be poured out ,as fresh content ,on the site, on a regular basis.

You must also promote the site continuously. To this end consider a continuous advertising campaign . However, make sure that you're getting a return on any advertising spend. Thus you could get banners on relevant high traffic sites. Another form of promotion is continuous SEO activity. Build links, all the search engines love links, its how their spiders find your content. The more links you have in more parts of the Internet, the more likely it will be that search engine spiders will find and index your sites pages. You could write highly targeted emails to the webmasters of relevant sites introducing your site and inviting them to link to your site. If your site has the qualities they require, they might well link to your site. You could also submit your site to established web directories, this is the most straight forward way to build links to your site.

About me
I an accountant by profession, a web entrepreneur and developer at home, graduated as a Mechanical Engineer many years ago. Since graduation, I 've worked in a many areas, and now having wanted to be a writer for ages, I've found a way to get a foot in, publish my works for the world to see :)

Two of my websites are
UK web directory
International web directory

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